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If the employee's account was active at the time the claim was submitted and verified by the employer, then SickBank will honor the claim up to the date the account becomes inactive. For Example; a claim for 10 sick days was submitted and verified by the employer, however you leave the employ of the company on the 7th day of the leave. SickBank will pay up to and including the 7th day. The three days that occur after account becomes inactive will be lost.

When an employer enrolls in SickBank, the enrollment is for the year. Any claims initiated during the year must be honored by both the employer and SickBank based on the membership level chosen by the employer. Employers cannot just cancel their membership. They can choose not to renew membership but coverage will remain in force until the renewal date.

An Employee will be eligible to file a claim for an extended absence from their employer when all accrued benefit time has been exhausted as long as he or she is an employee in good standing with a member employer and has made the minimum annual deposit.

The process for filing a claim is as follows: • Log in to website • Go to claims section • Choose new claim or extension • Enter all requested information • Upload any supporting documents • Submit to SickBank for Review.