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To Enroll: 1. Log onto SickBank website create user account 2. Provide all contact information within several departments 1. CEO- President 2. CFO 3. Human Resources 4. Payroll or Accounts Payable 3. Set up EFT transfer account 4. Have employees Enroll and make necessary donations to activate their coverage.

Yes! SickBank offers Associate Membership for small businesses who cannot otherwise afford to provide paid leave for their employees. Since the employees will have no sick days to deposit, a payroll deduction of $5 per week will allow employees limited benefit to sick time.

The enrollment fee for employers is based on membership level. For Associate members the enrollment fee is $500 annually, for Full members the enrollment fee is $1500 annually. When employees start depositing into the SickBank the employer is responsible to pay the deposited days to the Bank at the employee's base hourly rate of pay.

Beyond annual enrollment fees there are no additional costs

Absolutely not. No way. Never. SickBank will not tap into any organization's software. SickBank will utilize a contact within your Human Resources Department to access required information to process claims and apply donations of time. SickBank will work with accounts payable or payroll to collect any deposited time from employees. Privacy will not be compromised under any circumstances.

There is a 30 day waiting period prior to first claim approval.

Employers can change status or opt out of SickBank at the end of their fiscal year. Once enrolled, you are a member for that year. Of course, employees will receive benefits for the year..

SickBank Member Employers do not have to re-enroll, coverage will automatically roll over at the end of the fiscal year and the employer will be invoiced for the Annual renewal fee. Should an employer not wish to continue membership with SickBank, the employer can opt out at any time during the year. Coverage will continue and employer responsibilities will continue until the fiscal year ends.

SickBank Employer members can change there membership level as long as they fit the criteria for that level of membership. If an Associate member employer's organization grows beyond 25 employees, he must convert to Full membership. This includes providing paid sick days to their employees. On the other hand, if your business contracts and you now have fewer than 25 employees, you can convert to Associate membership. Changes to membership level occur when membership renews. You will receive a notification 60 days prior to renewal to give you time to make changes if needed and notify your staff.

The number of sick days you allow your employees is a financial decision you make. These limits are there to allow employees added benefits from SickBank but have to make sense to you financially. Should you wish to adjust the number of days allowed, you can but any changes will take effect at the time of membership renewal. Any settings must remain in place for the entire fiscal year. You also should notify your employees of the changes. SickBank will send notification of any changes to the SickBank Membership to all listed employees on your account prior to them taking effect.