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A Bulk Invitation is a tool for employers to send information of a group of employees by uploading a single spreadsheet containing the employees' information. SickBank will fetch the data from the spreadsheet and download into the Manage Employees table. In addition, when the employees are downloaded SickBank will send invitations to the employee email addresses to complete their profile and activate their accounts. There is no limit to how many employees can be sent in the Bulk Invitation as long as it is in a single spreadsheet.

It is not required, however it is best to create the spreadsheet in the same format as the provided sample. You can find the sample on the Bulk Download page. Data will transfer more smoothly when the spreadsheet is created in this format.

Yes. Once the spreadsheet uploads the next step in the process is to review the uploaded information and make corrections if there are any errors or changes that need to be addressed. Once the review process is complete, you can either send individual lines or the entire list to the Manage Employees page and send invitation emails to everyone on the list with the click of a button.