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Open communication between SickBank and the employers ensure transparency and oversight, and simplifies verification of employee information when processing claims.

The employee will receive an invitation from SickBank after their employer enrolls as a member. The employee then creates a user account on the SickBank website provide all contact information as well as direct deposit information.

There is no cost to enroll other than the annual deposit of 1 day of PTO such as sick, or PTO (for those employers that pool all provided PTO in one category.

The required deposit is necessary to complete your enrollment and activate your account. Without it your benefit will not begin.

In order to be eligible for SickBank benefits you must deposit a minimum of 1 day per year payable at sign up and on your work anniversary every year thereafter.

In the event you change jobs to another member employer your deposit will remain just update your employer information on your profile. Unfortunately, if your new employer is not a member you lose the benefit.

Sorry Charlie. All deposits to the SickBank are final. However, you will receive the benefit for the year. If you do not wish to continue contributing to the SickBank just opt out prior to your next work anniversary.

Absolutely. SickBank requires the cooperation of your employer working “on the books” is an absolute necessity. Also SickBank is required to report all income to the Internal Revenue Service as payments from SickBank is taxable income.

Every employer has its own format for generating an Employee ID number. For SickBank to Identify its Members in a single concise format, SickBank will auto-generate a unique Member ID number for each SickBank Member.

In a person's career it is not uncommon to change jobs. If you change jobs to another employer who is a member, your account will be converted to the account level of your new employer based on the parameters set by that employer. Should you take a job with an employer who currently is not a member of SickBank never fear you will not lose any of your available sick time from SickBank. It will remain on account until the fiscal year ends. Your account stays on SickBank forever but will remain inactive until your employer becomes a member or you change jobs again to a member employee.

If you are hired by a Member Employer who is a Full Member, but you were previously an Associate Member Employee, the payroll deduction stops as soon as you leave your old employer. Any days that have accrued will remain on account. When you receive your sick days from your new employer, one day will be deposited and you will be credited with a prorated number of days to reach the annual total of 20 days. In example, say as an associate member employee you accrued 5 days, but changed jobs to a new employer who is a Full member. When your required annual sick day is deposited, you will be credited with 15 days to make a total of 20 days for the year. Remember, as a full member you must use the days your employer provides first before claiming days from SickBank.

In this instance, since you already deposited your required annual deposit, those sick days are available for you to use. The payroll deduction will not commence until the membership of your new employer renews. At that time you will become an Associate Member Employee and accrue time per the Associate Membership parameters.

Yes. You can change your payroll deduction election at any time, however the change will not take effect until the membership renews. The payroll deduction election must stay in force for the entire fiscal year.