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Account – Navigates to the profile page to enable editing of the Employee's profile, Deposit Account, etc. Security – This tab navigates to the page that manages the Account's Security Questions. This can be important as people who have access to the account may change and the questions need to be changed or updated. Enable 2 way authentication as an added level of security as well as manage and update passwords. Help Desk – This tab navigates to the page where a Help Ticket can be generated. It also lists all generated Help Tickets and their status.

The employee account Dashboard provides account information for quick reference. Any member employee upon logging in will be directed to their Account Dashboard. It will show the SickBank Balance broken down by type of day whether is is SickBank Days, Donated Days, or Banked Days. The dashboard will also show the number of days claimed for the year. Each box can be clicked to show all transactions for that field. Additionally, there will be a graphic display showing the amount claimed for the year, A Washout period clock, and a countdown to when days can be banked or when coverage rolls over and annual sick day deposit will be due. There is a navigation bar on the left side of the Dashboard to direct to other benefits of the SickBank Account.

Lets go through each table as information is slightly different for each table.Payments – Lists all claims payments in chronological order from newest to oldest. Each line will be a separate payment, although there may be multiple payments for some claims based on the dates claimed. All payments are distributed weekly on Thursday. The line will read as follows: Claim Transaction Code; Payment Date; Number of Days Paid; and amount of payment.Sick Days Deposited – Will list all deposits of all sick days deposited regardless of type of transaction. Annual Sick Day Deposit, Donations, and Banked Days. Donated days can either be received or sent to another. All transactions are listed in chronological order newest to oldest. Donated Days – List all Sick Day donation activity. These can be received donations or sent donations. Information included will be recipient's or Donor's Name, type of day donated, number of days donated, and whether donation was accepted or declined. In addition claims transactions that use Donated days will appear on this list. This page is where a sick day donation or donation request can be initiated. Banked Days – Lists only Banked Days. All transactions involving banked days whether it is a deposit, donation or claim will be listed on this list.

All transactions are listed on your account page. They are separated by Sick Day Deposits, Claims, Donations, Banked Days. Each section will have a list of transactions. You can scroll through the list using the arrows to search the list or you can search by date or transaction code using the search bar.

As long as the transaction has not been completed the transaction may be edited. There is an edit function in the action column for each transaction listed. Just click on the pencil and make any corrections within the transaction then click update.