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Here's how donations of sick days work. An employee wishes to donate a day to a co-worker, he initiates a Donation through SickBank. The recipient of the Donation will be notified of the pending donation and is given the choice to accept or decline the donation. If declined, the transaction is canceled. Should the recipient accept the donation, then the day will transfer to the recipient and if it is an employer provided sick day, the employer will be invoiced for the donated day.

Initially upon enrollment every employee will deposit one PTO day annually this can be sick time, vacation time or personal time. Additionally, more employer provided days can be deposited by the employee through the website at their discretion (Banking or Donating). There may be a limit placed by your employer as to a maximum number of days that can be donated/deposited per year.

Yes, you can donate a day to a specific person by specifying on the deposit/donation form.

Some employees may not utilize all their employer-provided sick days. At the time of your work anniversary you may deposit unused days to SickBank up to the maximum number of days your employer sets. These days will remain on your account until you need to use them. When a SickBank claim is made by you the Banked days will be used first, then the SickBank days will be accessed.

Unfortunately you cannot. The employer pays the PTO time into the fund and if they do not participate we cannot fund the donation SickBank does, however offer an associate membership for small businesses that cannot offer paid sick leave. Instead of depositing time, the employee will pay $5 to $10 per week as a payroll deduction in return for limited membership to the SickBank.

You can deposit any type of PTO with the exception of paid holidays.

You can deposit any type of personal time, but SickBank claims are for sick, FMLA or bereavement time only.

Whatever your normal work day is will be considered as meeting the requisite deposit requirement. Your normal work day and rate of pay will be verified with your employer.

Until the recipient accepts the donation, that transaction can be canceled by the donor. Once accepted, the day belongs to the recipient.

Donation of Banked days can occur when the employee has no more available employer provided sick days to donate. If an employee has Banked days available, they can be donated regardless of current Membership level. Banked days have already been deposited to SickBank when the Bank option was exercised as a Full Member Employee. Should you employer change Membership level to Associate, you will not lose your Banked days as a result. Banked days can be used in a sick or FMLA claim or they can be donated. However, as an Associate Member you will no longer have the option of Banking Days in the future.