Welcome to the sickbank helpDesk

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SickBank does not pay rent or mortgage payments directly however, if you choose, the funds received from SickBank can be used for that purpose. It is designed to maintain your income while you recover from an illness or injury.

SickBank will pay at your normal hourly wage per day up to 8 hours less 1 hour withheld as a transaction fee.

The amount SickBank pays, is based on your hourly wage fort the average number of hours worked per day. Benefits continue until all available sick days are used.

As long as your account is in good standing and you have available sick days from SickBank, you qualify to receive payments, just fill out and submit the claim form electronically. Upon verification you will be paid for the days requested. There is a 30 day washout period upon initiation of your account as well as between claims (when a claim is approved, a new claim cannot be submitted for 30 days). Like any sick time benefit there is a limit how many days are available per year and if you use them up, then there are no more paid sick days available until your account rolls over at the end of the year.

No. It is a supplemental income benefit in times of illness, injury, family emergency or bereavement.

There is a transaction fee deducted from each day claimed equal to one hour of pay.

When a claim is made to SickBank and approved you will be paid your normal day's pay less the equivalent of 1 hour pay withheld as a transaction fee for each sick day claimed.

Absolutely. SickBank is paid sick leave. There are no family requirements behind the benefit. If you are an employee of a member organization and have activated your account by depositing one sick day, you will receive payment for sick days you claim (upon approval).

That is the point, when an employee is sick and can't work, SickBank will provide paid sick leave at your full hourly wage (less 1 hour per day withheld as a transaction fee.) until all provided days are used. Employee members will receive up to 20 paid sick days from SickBank.

SickBank is a national repository for paid sick time and family medical leave. It is financial relief for when you need it most.

No. SickBank payments do not have to be paid back. SickBank payments are not a loan. It is supplemental income. Recipients are responsible for income taxes associated with these payments.

Everyone qualifies to become a member of SickBank. Employees in good standing of member organizations who deposit one sick day per year (Full Members) or authorizes the weekly payroll deduction (Associate Members) are eligible to receive payments from SickBank for either paid sick leave or FMLA leave (See section addressing FMLA leave).

SickBank provides up to twenty paid sick days per year for sick leave claims.

Everyone. Employers who join the SickBank network and their employees.

No. SickBank is not insurance. It is a repository to deposit paid sick time.

No. SickBank is not a financial institution. SickBank is a repository for paid sick leave to be used when a member needs it.

Absolutely not. SickBank is not a lending institution. Sick days are there to be drawn on only when you are sick or need to care for a loved one.

No. SickBank is a private entity funded by the people for the people.

SickBank extends paid sick leave by up to 4 weeks beyond what your employer will provide. Employer based sick banks do not extend benefit, only store unused sick days for future use. One deposited sick day to SickBank will provide 20 additional days of paid sick leave.

SickBank's benefits are paid only to its members. However, if your family member is also a member of SickBank you can directly donate your sick time to him/her for use.

Anywhere in the United States.

The transaction fee is collected to maintain the services provided to you. SickBank is not a charitable organization.

SickBank uses the most advanced encryption technology to protect your information along with many layers of security to prevent illegal infiltration of the SickBank system. SickBank will never access another organization's database to collect information. SickBank will never sell, trade or give away your information.

Everyone. In order to be eligible for this benefit program, you must be an employee of a member organization of SickBank, deposit the required sick day (for Full Members) or set up the payroll deduction (for Associate Members).

Everyone can benefit from SickBank. Member employees who receive payments, benefit both financially and emotionally as they can take the time needed to recover from an extended illness while still receiving paid leave even after they run out of employer provided accrued sick time. Employers benefit by reducing payroll costs while still providing more sick time than ever before to their employees.