“Businesses are becoming very powerful platforms for change. When you have power, it is imperative to use it in a positive way.”

Our Efforts

SickBank works together with the public and private sectors, lawmakers, and regulators around the globe to support policies that positively impact our members and communities. Our advocacy is rooted within the core corporate values of Wellness, Trust, Innovation, Success, and Equality. SickBank makes it its business to be in the business of the people.


Trust is our #1 value and we work everyday to earn the trust of all our site members, visitors, partners, affiliates. and the communities where we live and work. We are committed to a culture of transparency that builds trust and ultimately success.


Now more than ever we all need the tools and skills to sustain our own health and wellness. SickBank works in partnership with it's members and with corporate affiliates all over the world in order to establish and maintain partnership wellness support so employees can stay fit, healthy, and strong.


We are in the midst of an era in which innovation and technology are changing our economies, societies, and daily lives. We are committed to helping our members achieve success in this Fourth Industrial Revolution.


We believe in equality for all and are committed to supporting equal pay, equal sick time pay, equal wellness, and equal access to education, while openly opposing discriminatory legislation.

SickBank In Motion


While paid sick leave for all is imperative it is also equally imperative that all people have the ability to enjoy a well-balanced healthy life and to be in control of their own wellness. SickBank intends to help people all over the world learn and build the skills of well-being and share the discoveries and insights gleaned from our own team of scientists with all people to not only support increased awareness, healthier options and alternatives, and create a healthier workforce but to do our part in the effort to try to build a stronger, kinder, wiser, more compassionate world.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the very foundation of how we live and work. We have seen how cloud technologies and social media are changing the world. At SickBank, we believe in the power of AI and the opportunities it offers. We also realize that there are ethical questions around potential uses of AI that are just as important as the technological advancements themselves.

While implementing the most cutting edge artificial intelligence technology available we work with governments, business leaders, the scientific community, and citizens to define the paths and direct the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to minimize risks and improve the human condition for all.

Cross Border Data Flows and Data Protection

Today’s business leaders, consumers, and citizens expect seamless and uninterrupted service from technology and service providers. To make that connected experience possible and power the digital economy, data needs to flow freely around the globe. We support trade and data policies that facilitate international data flows.

Digital Transformation in Regulated Industries

SickBank is committed to innovation. We aggressively promote the adoption of online digital utility-services built For The People By The People in long-established and often highly-regulated industries. Higher adoption can lead to greater efficiencies, higher productivity, safer environments, and to improved delivery of services to customers, and ultimately to growth.

We support services and policies that give people a standardized way to approach the use of online networks, utility-services, and products. And we work with our members to help them understand the related political and regulatory environments in which SickBank operates as they adopt SickBank as a means of supplemental income while recovering from illness or injury.


We are committed to supporting the improvement of education around the world to ensure that tomorrow’s workforce has the skills to compete in a global marketplace and to not only peacefully recover from illness whenever they need to but to know how to go about doing that. We believe that public and private partnerships are critical to improving the quality and access to paid sick time leave for all people. We advocate for policies that make paid sick time more readily accessible, especially for underserved and minority populations in the communities where we live, work, and do business.

Equal Pay

At SickBank, equality is one of our core values and an important part of our culture. We focus on promoting equality across four fronts – equal rights, equal education and opportunity, equal pay, and equal wellness. As part of our commitment to equal pay, SickBank commits to conducting Nationwide equal pay audits in order to address any unexplained differences in pay between men and women, as well as races in the U.S. SickBank will monitor and review salaries and sick pay benefits for any discrepancies on an ongoing basis in order to further underscore our commitment to equal pay.

Equal Rights

SickBank advocates for Equality in the communities where we live and work, and we support policies that promote diversity and inclusion. As a company, we stand against the discriminatory legislation that impacted the equal rights of citizens in Indiana, Georgia, North Carolina and Texas, and advocate for marriage equality in countries like the U.S. and Australia. Among other efforts we will join on several amicus briefs on the issue.


We support fair and balanced immigration policies worldwide. In the U.S., we believe government must engage in comprehensive immigration reform. We support DACA and policies that reform the employment-based (EB) green card and H-1B visa systems that U.S. employers currently rely on to recruit and retain global talent.

Intellectual Property

We believe in strong intellectual property laws that balance the legitimate interests of all people. Patent trolls — entities whose main activity is to acquire and assert patents against legitimate businesses — cost the U.S. economy billions of dollars every year in legal costs and lost opportunities. We advocate for patent reform legislation that curbs the abusive practices of patent trolls and the negative impact that these practices have on our economy and job growth.

Privacy and Security

Our privacy model is simple: our members' data belongs to them, and we do whatever we can to protect it. Nothing is more important to us than ensuring the security of our members’ data. We advocate for policies that strengthen our ability to keep the data of all SickBank members data secure.

Workforce Development and Skills

We're entering the Fourth Industrial Revolution where artificial intelligence, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are transforming the way we work. SickBank is committed to workforce development through a set of diverse programs dedicated to training and hiring for the jobs of tomorrow. These efforts, all of which stress equality for all, include university recruitment, sponsorship of computer science curriculums in K-12 schools, participation in Global Entrepreneurship Summits, and the launch of our DIVE program (Development and Integration of Vital Efficiencies).